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Committees and Caucuses

Congressman Duarte is a member of the following committees:

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee

Infrastructure is the backbone of the United States economy. As a Member of the House Transportation Committee, I work on legislation surrounding a wide range of issues related to transportation, infrastructure development, and public works projects. The committee plays a crucial role in shaping transportation and infrastructure policy, as well as overseeing the implementation of existing laws and regulations in these areas.

Our jurisdiction covers various modes of transportation, including aviation, highways, railroads, pipelines, and maritime transportation. We also address issues related to water resources, including flood control, navigation, and water supply. Additionally, the committee deals with infrastructure development and maintenance, such as the construction of roads, bridges, airports, and public buildings. We are responsible for crafting legislation, conducting hearings, and engaging in oversight activities to ensure the efficient and effective functioning of the nation's transportation and infrastructure systems.

House Natural Resources Committee

As a Member of the House Natural Resources Committee, I am dedicated to ensuring the safe and effective use of our abundant natural resources. Our primary responsibility is to oversee and legislate matters related to the management and conservation of natural resources, including federal and public lands, water resources, wildlife, energy production, national parks, offshore drilling, renewable energy development, mining, and endangered species protection. The committee plays a crucial role in shaping policies and laws that impact the nation's environmental and natural resource sectors, and provides oversight on various agencies and departments, including the Department of the Interior, the Department of Energy, and the U.S. Forest Service.

House Committee on Agriculture

As a lifelong farmer, I am honored to be a member of the House Agriculture Committee. We are responsible for the oversight and regulation of policies related to agriculture, rural development, food safety, nutrition, and forestry. The committee plays a crucial role in shaping agricultural legislation and policies that impact farmers, ranchers, rural communities, and consumers across the country. Additionally, the Committee conducts hearings and oversight of the Department of Agriculture.

Specifically, our jurisdiction covers a wide range of issues, such as crop insurance, farm subsidies, agricultural research, food assistance programs, and trade policies affecting agricultural products. We work closely with industry stakeholders, advocacy groups, and other governmental bodies to develop policies that support the sustainability, productivity, and competitiveness of the agricultural sector while addressing the needs and concerns of American farmers and consumers.

Congressman Duarte is a member of the following caucuses: