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Duarte Votes in Favor of REINS Act

WASHINGTON -- Congressman John Duarte (CA-13) issued the following statement after voting in favor of the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act of 2023:

"Working families deserve a government that supports the American Dream and provides them with opportunities to thrive. Farmers, who play an essential role in our nation's food supply and the vitality of our Valley, should not be burdened with backbreaking regulations. Small business owners, a crucial pillar of our Valley, need a regulatory environment that fosters innovation and growth, not stifle it.

Our Constitution calls for Congress, to write our nation's laws. The REINS Act reduces the authority of federal agencies and gives power back to working families, farmers, and small business owners. It ensures that major regulations proposed by federal agencies receive proper oversight from Congress, who are directly accountable to the American people.

Americans deserve a government that is accountable, and the REINS Act is a critical step in building that accountability," said Rep. Duarte.
