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Rep. Duarte Calls to Keep the Federal Government Open

WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman John Duarte (CA-13) issued the following statement in support of keeping the government open:

"As we approach the end of the federal fiscal year on September 30th, I remain committed to keeping our government open.

Government shutdowns hurt working families across the nation, and my district is no exception. It is unfair for my constituents to bear the burden of such an outcome because a handful of people want to play political games.

I've worked tirelessly to prevent a shutdown. I am a member of the Main Street Caucus where I supported their Continuing Appropriations and Border Security Enhancement Act to fund the government through October 31st until a budget could be finalized. It is a commonsense solution that would decrease the inflation that is driving up the cost of living, make our communities safer from fentanyl and cartel crime by securing our border, and preserves the dignity of hardworking Valley families who contribute to the success of America by omitting an E-Verify provision. But again, certain people want to posture so they can score political points. Their actions will cost the American people billions of dollars.

As we head into a week of uncertainty, I am committed to doing all I can to keep our government open and working for the people," said Rep. Duarte.