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Duarte Votes in Favor of Continuing Resolution to Keep the Government Open

WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman John Duarte (CA-13) voted in favor of a continuing resolution to keep the government open.

“I just voted to fund the federal government for an additional 45 days. This was a bipartisan continuing resolution that will prevent a government shutdown, providing us with adequate time to pass budget bills for the upcoming fiscal year.

Today, we showed the American public that we can come together for the wellbeing of our nation. However, it’s important to recognize that this is a short-term funding measure and not a long-term solution. In the next 45 days, I am committed to working tirelessly to pass fiscally responsible budget bills.

Now, it’s time for the Senate to do its part. I call on my colleagues in the Senate to prioritize the needs of the American people and pass this continuing resolution promptly," said Rep. Duarte.