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Duarte Introduces the Professional Growth and Retention Act

WASHINGTON — This week, Congressman John Duarte (CA-13) introduced the Professional Growth and Retention Act, a bill which doubles the amount of Adult and Dislocated Worker funding that local boards can spend on Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) from 20 percent to 40 percent.

“Last week, I proudly introduced the Professional Growth and Retention Act,” said Rep. Duarte. “By investing in the skills development of our existing workers, we not only enhance the competitiveness of our businesses but also ensure the sustained growth of our local communities.”

These employer-facilitated training programs such as classroom instruction, laboratory training, or virtual instruction models equip existing employees with the necessary skills to maintain their employment. However, local workforce boards are currently limited to using only up to 20 percent of their Adult and Dislocated Worker Allocation funds for Incumbent Worker Training. This important piece of legislation doubles the allocation for Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) from 20 percent to 40 percent, with an additional boost to 50 percent for areas with unemployment rates at or below 3%.

“It's a forward-looking approach to workforce development, especially in rural communities. By allowing local employers to retain and train the local workforce, we can create more prosperity and opportunity in the places that need it most,” said Rep. Duarte.