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Congressman Duarte Introduces Legislation for Veteran Disability Claims

Washington, D.C. – On June 28th, Congressman John Duarte (CA-13), along with Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Mike Bost (IL-12), Congressman Don Davis (NC-01), Congressman David Valadao (CA-22), Congressman Josh Harder (CA-9), and Congressman Jimmy Panetta (CA-19) introduced the Simplifying Forms for Veterans Claims Act (H.R. 8880)


This bill requires the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to contract with an outside entity to study and provide recommendations on how to make VA forms easier to understand when veterans apply for disability benefits. It also requires the VA Secretary to report these findings to Congress and implement any recommendations. My legislation ensures veterans in the Central Valley and throughout the country can more easily obtain their benefits. The Veterans of Foreign Wars and the National Association of County Veterans Service Officers support my bill. 


"Veterans have served our country honorably, and we must ensure they receive the benefits they have earned without unnecessary obstacles," said Congressman John Duarte. "I am proud to lead a group of Democrats and Republicans colleagues who put their differences aside to make the VA claims process more understandable and accessible for veterans with the Simplifying Forms for Veterans Claims Act."  


"We've heard time and time again how frustrated veterans and their survivors can get when navigating the mountains of confusing forms that must be completed throughout the disability claims process. There's no reason for this process to be unnecessarily complicated, especially when creating a fix isn't rocket science," said Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Mike Bost. "I'm grateful to my friend Rep. Duarte for introducing the Simplifying Forms for Veterans Claims Act, which would require a study on revising V.A. forms to ultimately take undue stress off our veterans." 


"One of our most important responsibilities as public servants is to guarantee that veterans, especially those needing help with service-connected disabilities, can obtain their benefits in a timely manner," said Congressman Don Davis. "We must help our veterans and their families streamline the process and make it easier for them to apply for disability benefits, and this bill is designed to achieve that goal."


"Too often our veterans and their families struggle with bureaucratic red tape to get their hard-earned benefits," said Congressman David Valadao. "The Simplifying Forms for Veterans Claims Act would improve this often confusing system and make it easier for veterans to navigate the benefits process. I'm grateful for Rep. Duarte's leadership on this important issue."


"Our veterans are heroes and should be able to access the benefits they earned without jumping through hoops," said Congressman Josh Harder. "It is completely unacceptable that red tape is keeping veterans from their benefits. This bipartisan bill simplifies the process and is a no-brainer, let's get it done."


“Oftentimes, the VA overwhelms our veterans with complex paperwork, which can lead to delays in veterans receiving their deserved benefits,” said Congressman Jimmy Panetta. “Our bipartisan legislation would provide a way for the VA to simplify and streamline their requirements by making the claims process more understandable, organized, and clear for our veterans and their survivors. This bill would be another step by the U.S. Congress to ensure that our veterans and their family members get the benefits that they deserve from the VA."




• The VA requires veterans and survivors to complete specific forms for VA benefits and claims like disability compensation and pension.

• These forms are crucial for the claims and appeals process.

• Veteran service organizations (VSOs) often assist veterans with completing these forms due to their complexity and organizational challenges.

• Major VSOs support the bill.

• The Simplifying Forms for Veterans Claims Act aims to improve VA forms' clarity and organization by commissioning a study through a federally funded research entity to improve these forms.

• This legislation also mandates that the VA Secretary implement the recommended findings of the study.


Veterans Town Hall Announcement: 


Congressman Duarte plans to host a veterans town hall or round table in early August with Committee staff. The office seeks input from constituents on potential topics. For more information or questions, please contact Andrew Patrick or Andrew Siguler in the Congressman's Washington D.C. office at (202) 225-1947.