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Duarte Stands Up for America's Food Supply, Cosponsors HIRE Act

Congressman John Duarte (CA-13) released the following statement regarding the recent introduction of the H-2 Improvements to Relieve Employers (HIRE) Act:

“H-2A and H-2B workers are the foundation of America’s food supply. Their hard work puts groceries on our tables, builds our infrastructure, and protects our national security. Despite the massive benefits of the H-2 visa program, the current system is confusing, complex, and hurts working families, small businesses, and rural employers in the Valley.

The HIRE Act solves these problems by cutting the red tape and simplifying our temporary work visa programs. By expanding the labor certification period to 3 years, simplifying requirements for returning workers, and increasing job transparency, we can create a reliable legal system that will curb illegal immigration and bring working families out of the shadows. 

We have the responsibility to improve our temporary visa programs, fix our workforce gap, and rebuild our broken immigration system. I am proud to join my colleagues in introducing this essential piece of legislation,” said Rep. Duarte.