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House of Representatives Adopts Congressman Duarte’s Proposal

Washington, D.C.–The House of Representatives recently adopted Congressman John Duarte’s (CA-13) request to the 2025 Energy & Water spending bill. This proposal requires the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to study the buildup of thick soil, trash, and rocks in the rivers and streams of the San Joaquin River Watershed.


Congressman Duarte's Statement:


"We must better manage water from the Sierra Nevada to protect our families and farms,"said Congressman Duarte."As a farmer, I can tell you water keeps our Valley alive. We must unclog our rivers and streams to ensure our families and farms get the water they need. By reducing flood risks, we will make insurance costs lower. By getting more water to grow food, we will make groceries cheaper.”


Main Requirements:


1. Studying Buildup: This study will assess the sources, impacts, and extent of buildup of heavy materials clogging the San Joaquin River Watershed.


2. Solution: This report will include strategies to reduce buildup, improve water flows, reduce flood risks, and strengthen waterways, habitats, and water storage.




• Good water management helps farmers maintain steady crop production, which directly impacts food availability and affordability.


• Excessive buildup of rocks, trash, sludge, and soil can lead to:

o Destroyed wildlife habitats

o Poor fish reproducing areas

o Waterways cannot carry as much water

o Decreased water storage

o Increased flood damage to farms, businesses, and homes


This plan will improve water management and protect California communities and farms for years to come.