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Rep. John Duarte Applauds Agreement to Keep Madera Community Hospital Open

TURLOCK - Today, Representative John Duarte proudly applauds the provisional management agreement between Madera Community Hospital and Adventist Health. In 2022, the threat of Madera Community Hospital's closure sent shockwaves throughout our Valley, leaving families with limited access to essential medical care. This agreement marks a victory for our communities, ensuring that vital medical services continue to be available to Valley families.

"I am happy to hear of Adventist Health’s provisional management agreement with Madera Community Hospital. This collaboration ensures that working families in the Valley will continue to receive the medical attention they deserve, close to their homes and loved ones.," said Rep. Duarte. “Now, it’s the State of California’s turn to do their part. I encourage the California Department of Health Care Access and Health Facilities Financing Authority to approve funding for the hospital through the Distressed Hospital Loan Program.”

In light of such challenges faced by rural hospitals in states across America, Rep. John Duarte joined Democrats and Republicans in introducing the Rural Hospital Technical Assistance Program Act. This vital legislation aims to provide much-needed support to rural hospitals, offering them the resources and guidance necessary to remain open and continue serving their communities.

"I understand the unique challenges faced by rural hospitals, and that's why I am joining my colleagues in introducing the Rural Hospital Technical Assistance Program Act," stated Rep. Duarte. "By establishing this bill, we will ensure that rural hospitals receive the assistance they need to thrive, preventing future closures and securing healthcare access for all Americans, regardless of their zip code."

The proposed Rural Hospital Technical Assistance Program Act will create programs for technical assistance, grant opportunities, and collaborative initiatives to support rural hospitals in various areas, including financial management, infrastructure upgrades, and healthcare innovation.

Rep. John Duarte remains committed to championing accessible healthcare for the Valley.