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The House Passes Rep. Duarte's Veterans Legislation

Washington, D.C. – Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed Congressman John Duarte’s (CA-13) Clear Communications for Veterans Claims Act, H.R. 7816, with unanimous Democrat and Republican support. This legislation will improve the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) communication with veterans regarding their healthcare, education, and disability benefits. By making the process more transparent and easier to understand, this bill ensures that veterans get the benefits and healthcare they deserve.


Democrats and Republicans strongly support Congressman Duarte’s bill that he introduced on March 26, 2024. The bill is co-led by Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Mike Bost (R-IL) and Congresswoman Nikki Budzinski (D-IL). Multiple veterans organizations support this bill, including the National Organization of Veterans Advocates, the American Legion, and Disabled American Veterans.


Congressional Quotes:


"I’m proud to see the House pass my Clear Communications for Veterans Claims Act,"said Rep. Duarte. "This bill will ensure the VA provides veterans clear and concise guidance to get their healthcare and disability benefits. I’m thankful to Chairman Bost and Congresswoman Budzinski for their help and dedication to our veterans. I look forward to improving government communication to all Central Valley residents and veterans nationwide."


“Every day, my office hears from veterans who are struggling to access the benefits they’ve earned because of confusing processes and overcomplicated documents,”said Congresswoman Budzinski. “I’m proud that my legislation with Congressman John Duarte has passed the House with broad bipartisan support as we work to simplify the Department of Veterans Affairs’ correspondence with our nation’s heroes and cut out the complicated legal jargon. By ensuring that the VA communicates clearly and concisely with our veterans, we can improve access to critical services for veterans across the country.”


“As a veteran, I know firsthand how complex VA’s disability claims process can be. Which is why House Republicans have been working hard this Congress to take meaningful steps to modernize the disability claims process where we can reduce the burden on veterans and their families,” said Chairman Bost. “Rep. Duarte’s bill, the Clear Communication for Veterans Claims Act, would rightfully require VA to figure out ways reduce red tape for veterans and simplify VA’s disability compensation claim notice letters. I was proud to support this commonsense, bipartisan bill led by my friend from California and I look forward to getting it to the president’s desk soon.”


Central Valley Veterans Groups' Statements:


“This bill reflects an unwavering commitment to enhancing the lives of those who have sacrificed for our nation,”said Joshua Christopherson, Fresno County Veteran Service Officer. “We thank Congressman Duarte and those involved in the development and passage of this bill for their continued support.”


“Legislation like this is critical to easing the transition from soldier to civilian, it shows them that they are supported from day one,”Christopher Watts, Stanislaus County Advisory Commission.“It has been an honor to support and advocate for this much needed change within our community.”



  • Veterans currently receive long and complicated written communication from the VA, called notice letters, for VA benefit claims, including disability compensation, education,and healthcare.
  • These VA letters contain legal jargon and unnecessary information, overwhelming veterans and leading some to abandon their claims. You can watch the House Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs’ hearing on H.R. 7816 and Rep. Duarte’s testimony here.
  • The Clear Communications for Veterans Claims Act requires the VA to:
    • Improve VA communication with veterans about their claims by contracting with third-party and federally funded research centers to shorten and simplify notice letters
    • Implement their recommendations to improve notice letters within 90 days