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Rep. Duarte Joins Natural Resources Committee for Field Hearing to Discuss Water Storage, Impacts on Local Communities, and Legislative Solutions

Washington, April 13, 2023 | David Frulla (202 225-1947)

April 13, 2023

TULARE -- Earlier this week, Congressman John Duarte was joined by Members of the House Natural Resources Committee for a field hearing discussing California's water storage issues, impacts on local communities, and legislative solutions.

"We're under $10 billion [for total cost to build proposed water storage infrastructure].

$36 billion would be one percent of California’s GDP in one year. We’re talking about gold plated water infrastructure, water abundance for every Californian, for every industry, new housing dropping in cost because we no longer have water constraints to build homes.

We’re talking about every Californian having a rent or a mortgage payment going down by $1000 a year for water infrastructure that would cost us one third of one percent of California’s annual GDP," said Rep. Duarte.

Watch Congressman Duarte’s full remarks here.


  • Members spent the day in the Fresno County, Calif. area where they toured Friant Dam and a local dairy farm before holding the field hearing in Tulare County, Calif. 
  • H.R. 215, the "WATER for California Act," contains commonsense solutions for increasing water storage capacity and streamline federal processes involved.
  • H.R. 872, the "FISH Act," streamlines management of certain species of fish, eliminating unnecessary duplicative regulation.

To learn more, click here.

To watch the full hearing, click here.
