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RDF TV: California congressman says resource abandonment is destroying the U.S. economy

California congressman says resource abandonment is destroying the U.S. economy

U.S. Representative and Farmer John Duarte (CA-R) says resource abandonment is hurting the U.S. economy, and the practice is becoming a major problem for everyday Americans.

“If you look at what we’re doing with our farm water in California, what we’re doing with American energy policy, what we’re doing with minerals, what we’re doing with the Endangered Species Act enforcement with wolves and bears and delta smelt and salmon -- it’s all causing a resource abandonment that’s coming back down very, very hard on the back of the American consumer,” said, Rep. Duarte, who represents California’s 13th District. “The American working family is just not making it. And, as we see today with the economic news, a lot of families are doing quite well. If you’re on the owl camera and sitting in your home working from home, doing a high-tech [job] or communications or service job, you’re doing great. Wages are going up. Now, the government’s talking about raising interest rates some more. That destroys resource industries, destroys capital investment.”

The California congressman says the problems spread into agriculture as well when ag resources go towards efforts outside of feeding humans. He says bad policy is to blame.

“California passed Prop 12 -- this is disgusting -- and I’ve got a few ways I’m responding to this,” Rep. Duarte said. “We care about how many piggies there are in a pig pen. We care about how a chicken lays an egg, although I don’t think most of the people supporting these policies know of either. But then, on moral grounds, there’s no documented animal welfare issue, or anything else. This is just somebody’s morality, exercised in policy in California, affecting the affordability of animal protein.”

Prop 12 was originally passed in California back in 2018 but official regulation began on January 1, 2024.