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Press Releases

Duarte Joins Democrats and Republicans to Protect and Strengthen Vulnerable Hospitals in Rural Communities

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WASHINGTON – Last week, Congressman John Duarte (CA-13) joined a coalition of Democrats and Republicans in introducing the Rural Hospital Technical Assistance Program Act to protect and strengthen rural hospitals. This bill makes permanent an existing program at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) that provides technical assistance for rural hospitals to help…

Duarte Joins Bipartisan Coalition to Expand Access to Agriculture Conservation

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WASHINGTON -- United States Representative John Duarte (CA-13) joined a bipartisan coalition to introduce the Growing Access to Environmental Sustainability (GATES) Act to reduce barriers that producers face in accessing agricultural conservation programs.  Co-leading this legislation are Reps. Jimmy Panetta (CA-19), Yadira Caraveo (CO-08), David Rouzer (NC-07), Jim Costa…

Taking Flight for the Future: Rep. Duarte Votes in Favor of FAA Reauthorization, Paving the Way for Safer Skies and Improved Air Travel

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Today, Rep. John Duarte (CA-13) proudly announces his resounding support for the Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation (SGRLAA) Act, highlighting his commitment to bipartisanship and dedication to improving the flyer experience for all Americans. As a member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Rep. Duarte has played a pivotal role in shaping this…

Duarte Stands Up for America's Food Supply, Cosponsors HIRE Act

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Congressman John Duarte (CA-13) released the following statement regarding the recent introduction of the H-2 Improvements to Relieve Employers (HIRE) Act: “H-2A and H-2B workers are the foundation of America’s food supply. Their hard work puts groceries on our tables, builds our infrastructure, and protects our national security. Despite the massive benefits of the H-2 visa program, the…

Duarte Joins Democrats and Republicans in Reintroducing the Farm Workforce Modernization Act

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WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Representatives John Duarte (R-CA-13), Zoe Lofgren (D-CA-18), Dan Newhouse (R-WA-04), Jim Costa (D-CA-21), Mike Simpson (R-ID-02), Jimmy Panetta (D-CA-19), David Valadao (R-CA-22), Salud Carbajal (D-CA-24), Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28), and Jerrold Nadler (D-NY-12) reintroduced the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, H.R. 4319, which creates a workforce solution for…

Duarte Joins Democrats and Republicans in Introducing the Dream and Promise Act

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WASHINGTON – Congressman John Duarte (CA-13) issued the following statement on co-introducing Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia (TX-29)’s bipartisan American Dream and Promise Act: “As a California native, I know Dreamers – they’ve played sports with my children, broke bread with my family and friends, and have played a critical role in our communities. The American Dream and Promise Act…

Duarte Votes in Favor of REINS Act

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WASHINGTON -- Congressman John Duarte (CA-13) issued the following statement after voting in favor of the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act of 2023: "Working families deserve a government that supports the American Dream and provides them with opportunities to thrive. Farmers, who play an essential role in our nation's food supply and the vitality of our…

Congressman John Duarte Selects Rajan Nathaniel as Next Chief of Staff

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WASHINGTON -- Congressman John Duarte is thrilled to announce the appointment of Rajan Nathaniel as his new Chief of Staff. A Valley native, Rajan’s wealth of experience, political expertise, and dedication to public service will greatly benefit the constituents of California’s 13th Congressional District. Prior to joining Congressman Duarte's team, Rajan served Californian…

Duarte Cosponsors Bipartisan Dignity Act

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WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman John Duarte (CA-13) issued the following statement after cosponsoring the bipartisan Dignity Act, the first major bipartisan immigration solution proposed by Congress in over a decade. “Our system is broken. A humanitarian crisis is devastating both sides of our border, working families are forced into the shadows, border agents are left unsupported,…

Rep. Duarte Votes in Favor of Fiscal Responsibility Act

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WASHINGTON – Congressman John Duarte (CA-13) issued the following statement in response to the recently proposed Fiscal Responsibility Act: “I am proud to have reached a bipartisan compromise with President Biden to pay our debts while putting working families and small businesses first. After years of uncertainty, Democrats and Republicans have worked together to build a…